Diagnostic, Preventive, and Therapeutic Health Services

LMU-DCOM students have access to diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic health services, accessible in all locations where students receive education from LMU-DCOM. All students are required to have health insurance prior to matriculation through graduation and are responsible for costs associated with services rendered. Students who seek medical attention may do so with any facility of their choosing based on their needs and health insurance coverage.

Harrogate Location

LMU-DCOM operates a Medical Clinic located in New Tazewell, TN (15 miles from main campus). Students can make an appointment with providers who do not assess or promote students at LMU-DCOM. At the Knoxville additional location, students have access to clinics and hospitals affiliated with LMU-DCOM for health services as well as many other health care facilities within the greater Knoxville area. As outlined in the affiliation agreements with these facilities, if a student becomes ill or has an emergency health issue during the clinical assignment, the training facility will render care or refer the students to services but is not responsible for the cost of such care. Students are financially responsible for any medical care they receive at a training site.

Knoxville Location

Summit Medical Group-Internal Medicine Associates in Powell, TN is available to serve the primary care needs of students located at DCOM at LMU-Knoxville. When making an appointment, it is important to let the staff know that you are an LMU student. Most appointments may be accommodated the same day or soon thereafter. Students are required to have health insurance. If your health insurance does not cover the services during your visit, Summit Medical Group will provide 30% discounts for cash payments or set-up a payment plan as needed. For more information and to find new patient registration forms, visit the Summit Medical Group-Internal Medicine Associates website at https://www.imasummit.com/, select “For Patients” and then “Patient Forms”. Call 865-546-9751 for an appointment and let them know that you are an LMU student.

Summit Medical Group – Internal Medicine Associates
7744 Conner Road
Powell, TN 37849