Matriculation and Promotion


Upon acceptance to the Anatomical Education Ph.D. Program, each student will be sent an official acceptance letter and a package containing immunization requirements to be met, dates and deadlines and other documents deemed necessary. Following acceptance into the program, Ph.D. students begin their program July 1st, and courses begin fall semester (~July 22nd).

Advancing to Ph.D. Candidacy

Students advance to Ph.D. candidacy after passing the written and oral qualifying examinations and obtaining approval of their dissertation research proposal, from the Dissertation Committee.

Qualifying Examination:

The Qualifying examination will consist of a comprehensive written examination covering course work in the anatomical sciences (Spring 2nd year), and an oral examination assessing the student’s ability to communicate their knowledge at a level appropriate for 1st year medical students.
Students choose two exam topics from the following: anatomy, histology, embryology or neuroanatomy.

Qualifying Exam Committee Members will assess the student's performance and make a decision on the grade. Students may be awarded a PASS, Conditional PASS or FAIL. Students failing qualifying examinations may be dismissed from the program.

Dissertation Research Proposal:

A two-hour committee meeting will be scheduled for presentation and discussion of the research proposal. At this meeting students should be prepared to discuss topics related to the project including:

  • Background in the intended research area and related course work if applicable
  • Scientific justification for proposed research
  • Methods
  • Strengths weaknesses
  • Statistical analysis
  • Interpretation of anticipated findings
  • Alternative approaches

Committee members will provide feedback on the proposed research and if necessary, the student will make revisions before the committee grants approval the dissertation research project. This may require a second presentation of the proposal.