Professional Appearance

All LMU-DCOM students are expected to be dressed appropriately at all times with awareness to personal hygiene, cleanliness and especially a professional demeanor.

Students need to demonstrate that they have the proper judgment about what attire to wear for a given educational activity.

  1. Students who come to school dressed unprofessionally will be asked to leave the campus, change clothes and return in appropriate attire. Any absence from class or an exam because of the student’s lack of judgment will be considered an unexcused absence. The dress code is enforced between the hours of 7:30 am– 4:30 pm on Monday through Friday.
  2. While not an exhaustive list, tube tops, hooded sweatshirts, tank tops, t-shirts, flip-flops, excessive body piercing, cutoff shorts, and jeans with holes in them are examples of inappropriate dress during normal school hours. When representing LMU-DCOM in any type of public forum, such as a conference or certain on-campus events, the dress code is, at the very least, business casual. At some public forums a higher standard is expected. Again, the student must display correct judgment and match the appropriate clothing with the event.
  3. Courses with a laboratory component will require that students dress as directed for these courses. The syllabus for each course will explain in more detail the appropriate attire.