
Degrees and Certificates


ANAT-624 : Human Embryology

Credits 3

This course focuses on clinically-oriented human development from gametogenesis to birth. The first section of the course emphasizes developmental processes and early development of the embryo and fetus. The second section of the course emphasizes organ system development. Both sections will incorporate developmental genetics and clinical case vignettes to explain normal and abnormal development. Emphasis is placed on anatomical change with discussion of developmental mechanisms and physiology. This in-depth look at embryology will provide a more profound understanding of human anatomy. Pre-requisite: ANAT 701 

ANAT-713 : Adv Human Embryology

Credits 3

This course provides a review of human development from the embryonic through the fetal period. Topics include musculoskeletal, nervous system, gastrointestinal, urogenital, respiratory system, and circulatory system development. The course emphasizes clinically relevant embryology and explores various methods for teaching embryology in a medical school curriculum. Emphasis placed on curriculum and lecture development, innovative teaching methods, assessment and item writing. Prerequisite: ANAT 701 or an embryology course or gross anatomy course with embryology.

ANAT-714 : Medical Histology

Credits 3

Medical Histology is designed to give students a foundation of the basic structural and functional organization of cells and tissues in the human body. Histology focuses on the histologic study and microscopic anatomy of basic tissue types. This course is taken during the first semester of the first year of medical school. The understanding of the normal histology presented in this course is critical for the student's ability to: (1) envision the cellular/tissue structures associated with the biochemical and physiological processes explained in other courses, and (2) identify and comprehend the abnormal histology present in Pathology. Pre-Requisites: Admission to the Master of Science, Biomedical Professions or Anatomical Sciences Program. 

ANAT-801 : Gross Anatomy Teachng Practicum I

Credits 3

This course trains graduate students to teach the lecture and laboratory components of a medical gross anatomy course. Students will work with faculty mentors to develop lectures, conduct laboratory review sessions, write multiple-choice exam questions, and design and set up laboratory practical examinations. Pre-requisites: DOSYS 701, DOSYS 702.

ANAT-802 : Neuroanatomy Teaching Practicum I

Credits 1

This course trains graduate students to develop and teach a clinical neuroanatomy course. Students work with a faculty mentor to develop lectures and learning objectives, write multiple choice examination questions, and conduct laboratory review sessions.

ANAT-803 : Anat Dissection Tch Practicum

Credits 4

Students will learn to design the dissection component of a gross anatomy course. They will explore the most effective instructional techniques and resources for directing students in human cadaveric dissection. Students work with faculty mentors to develop a dissection curriculum, evaluate dissection quality and completeness, and assess professionalism in the anatomy laboratory. Students will explore advanced dissection techniques for visualizing challenging regions and structures, and will consider common surgical approaches to develop a clinically relevant dissection curriculum.

ANAT-804 : Histology Teaching Practicum I

Credits 3

This course trains graduate students to teach histology as a stand-alone course or as an integrated component of a gross anatomy course. Students will work with faculty mentors to develop lectures, write multiple-choice exam questions, and learn how to design team-based learning modules. 

ANAT-805 : PA Anatomy Teaching Practicum

Credits 3

This course trains graduate students to teach the lecture and laboratory components of a graduate professional level anatomy course with laboratory using prosected specimens. Students will work with faculty members to develop lectures, teach laboratory content, conduct laboratory review sessions, write multiple choice exam questions, and design and set up laboratory practical examinations. Prerequisites: ANAT 603, ANAT 701

ANAT-806 : Hum Embryology Tch Practicum

Credits 3

This course provides a review of human development from the embryonic through the fetal period. Topics include musculoskeletal, nervous system, gastrointestinal, urogenital, respiratory system, and circulatory system development. The course emphasizes clinically relevant embryology and explores various methods for teaching embryology in a medical school curriculum. Emphasis placed on curriculum and lecture development, innovative teaching methods, assessment and item writing. Prerequisite: ANAT 624 or equivalent embryology course or integrated gross anatomy course with embryology.

ANAT-811 : Adv Gross Anat Tch Practicum

Credits 5

The course trains doctoral students to manage the laboratory component of a medical gross anatomy course. Students will work with faculty mentors to manage the day-to-day activities of coordinating a 20-week medical anatomy laboratory for 300 plus students. Doctoral students will provide weekly lab reviews for all anatomy fellows and teaching assistants; coordinate weekly lab meetings for all faculty, staff, fellows and TAs. Students will also continue to develop lectures, conduct laboratory review sessions, write multiple choice exam questions, as well as design and set up laboratory practical examinations. Pre-requisites: ANAT 603, ANAT 701 and ANAT 803.

ANAT-812 : Adv Human Neuroanatomy Lab

Credits 1

This course introduces the graduate student to human brain material to learn the surface features on whole and half brains, and internal anatomy using brain slices in the coronal and axial planes, and selected dissections. Students will study fixed brain specimens, and learn to section and dissect brain material.

ANAT-816 : Gross Anatomy Teaching Practicum II

Credits 2

This course trains graduate students to teach the lecture and laboratory components of a medical gross anatomy course. Students will work with faculty mentors to develop lectures, conduct laboratory review sessions, write multiple-choice exam questions, and design and set up laboratory practical examinations. Pre-requisites: DOSYS 701, DOSYS 702, ANAT 801.

ANAT-817 : Neuroanatomy Teaching Practicum II

Credits 2

This course trains graduate students to develop and teach a clinical neuroanatomy course. Students work with a faculty mentor to develop lectures and learning objectives, write multiple choice examination questions, and conduct laboratory review sessions.

ANAT-818 : Medical Histology Teaching Practicum II

Credits 1

This course trains graduate students to teach histology as a stand-alone course or as an integrated component of a gross anatomy course. Students will work with faculty mentors to develop lectures, write multiple-choice exam questions, and learn how to design team-based learning modules. Pre-requisites: DOSYS 714, DOSYS 718, ANAT 806.

ANAT-900 : Current Anat Literature Review

Credits 2

The emphasis of this course is the acquisition of knowledge through a review of anatomy and clinical literature. This review will be used to compile data for research projects, book reviews, or presentations.

ANAT-901 : Independent Research I

Credits 4

The PhD student conducts research under faculty supervision. Emphasis is placed on introductory design, data collection and scientific writing.

ANAT-902 : Independent Research II

Credits 4

The PhD student conducts research under faculty supervision. Emphasis is placed on design, data collection and analysis as well as writing for publication.

ANAT-903 : Adv Independent Research I

Credits 5

The PhD student conducts research under faculty supervision. This course provides more advanced research opportunities. Emphasis is placed on advanced design, data collection, data analysis and writing for publication.

ANAT-904 : Adv Independent Rsrch II

Credits 5

The PhD student conducts research under faculty supervision. This course provides advanced research opportunities in preparation for the doctoral dissertation. Emphasis is placed on advanced design, data collection, data analysis and writing for publication.

EDEC-751 : Quantitative Research Procedures

Credits 3

This course will provide candidates with an introduction to different types of quantitative research methods and statistical techniques. The course will be divided into two sections: 1) methods for quantitative research and, 2) quantitative statistical techniques for analyzing data. The course begins with a focus on defining research problems, theory testing, data identification and classification, causal inference, and designing research instruments. Then, the class will explore a range of statistical techniques and methods that are available for empirical research. Candidates will work in teams to explore research methods that may be applicable to their individual dissertation including: Primary and Secondary Data Analysis, Sampling, Survey Design, and Experimental Designs. Topics in quantitative techniques include Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Emphasis is placed on practical usage of quantitative methods and the acquisition of sufficient theoretical knowledge needed for data interpretation. 

EDEC-751 : Quantitative Research Procedures I

Credits 3

This course will provide candidates with an introduction to different types of quantitative research methods and statistical techniques. The course will be divided into two sections: 1) methods for quantitative research and, 2) quantitative statistical techniques for analyzing data. The course begins with a focus on defining research problems, theory testing, data identification and classification, causal inference, and designing research instruments. Then, the class will explore a range of statistical techniques and methods that are available for empirical research. Candidates will work in teams to explore research methods that may be applicable to their individual dissertation including: Primary and Secondary Data Analysis, Sampling, Survey Design, and Experimental Designs. Topics in quantitative techniques include Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Emphasis is placed on practical usage of quantitative methods and the acquisition of sufficient theoretical knowledge needed for data interpretation.

EDEC-752 : Qualitative Research: Theory and Design

Credits 3

This course focuses on the application of advanced qualitative research methods. Course topics may be related to data collection (e.g., interviews, focus-groups, observations, field logs, document analysis), sampling (e.g., maximum variation, snowball, convenience, quota), validity (e.g., member checks, intercoder reliability, auditing, bracketing, triangulation), and other important topics (e.g., rapport, ethical considerations, epistemology, ontology, coding techniques). Emphasis is placed on practical usage of qualitative methods and sufficient theoretical knowledge needed for data interpretation. 

LSCI-606 : Appl Ethics Biomed Sci

Credits 3

Applied Ethics is the inquiry from the standpoint of moral philosophy into practical decision making. The focus of the course will concern ethical issues in relation to research and practice in the biomedical sciences. The course's instructional format will include a combination of lecture, video, small group discussion, and seminar. It will also include independent study of a focused topic selected by the student in consultation with their supervisor. The course will be primarily "Case Based" covering a range of topics with the emphasis on ethical decision-making. Ethical theory will be discussed in relation to making the most reasoned and informed argument for practical courses of action. Special attention will be given to the ethical dimensions of research involving human and non-human subjects. Pre-Requisites: Admission into the Master of Science Program and at least one prior undergraduate course in ethics.